
Relax cards
Stretch And Relax
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Sign Language Introduction
Coping with anxiety
Mindful Outdoor Art 1
Mindful Outdoor Art 4
Mindful Outdoor Art 2
Mindful Outdoor Art 5
Mindful Outdoor Art 3
Mindful Outdoor Art 6

British Sign Language Videos

These videos have been made for us by volunteers who have qualifications in British Sign Language. The videos accompany the work we do in schools and are also used in some of the workbooks we have produced.


Champions- James Blunt

 Fight song - Rachel Platten

This is me - Keala Settle

 Rise up - Andra Day

Forever on your side - Needtobreathe

 It couldn't be done - Edgar Albert Guest




Music has a positive effect on us, releasing positive chemicals into our brains.

Below are two pieces written by John Hicks which we use in schools to relax. Take a listen.


URREY Unwind, Rest, Relax, Empty yourself - YouTube

Winding Down - YouTube

Credit to John Hicks who wrote both of these for Fireworks


In the summer term 2021, we did a song writing project with a group of year 7s from Kingsmead school.

This was the result, the pupils were super proud of themselves, and so they should be.

Kingsmead year 7 song - YouTube






Mindful Nature Walk.
Find an area of countryside to go for a walk. As you walk use your senses to notice what is around you. What can you hear? What can you see? What can you smell? What can you feel? Don't rush. Just wander. Look around you, touch the tree trunk or grass, look at the clouds. Make a mental note of what you have noticed on your walk. 

Make sure you wear appropriate shoes for walking on uneven ground. Take appropriate clothing and/or sun cream and hats if it is a hot day.
Don't touch anything that you are unsure about, only touch those things you know are safe.


Raft Building

Raft building with sticks is great fun! You will need to collect a selection of different sized sticks.  You then tie them together at 90 degree angles, using square lashing to create a raft. Once you have secured your raft you can float it on a small stream. You could even float it in the bath or paddling pool.


Seed Planting

You will need:
An Apple OR Orange or Tomato.
A paper cup or small plant pot.
Some soil or compost.
A trowel.
A knife to cut the tomato - please ensure children are supervised.

Plant a seed and watch it grow. Find an apple, orange or tomato in your home. Collect the seeds form the apple or orange. Cut a slice of tomato. Take a paper cup and put some holes in the bottom. Dig up some soil from your garden and fill your cup to the three quarter mark. Press the apple or orange seeds into the soil. Or if using the tomato slice, place it on top of your soil and cover with a little more soil. Give them a little water. Place on your window and watch them grow!


Marathon in a week!

You will need sturdy shoes or trainers.
Suitable clothing depending on the weather.
A bike and bike helmet - if you are cycling your marathon.
A record of your mileage.

Your challenge is to complete a Marathon (26.2 miles) in a week!
You can complete your marathon by walking, jogging, running or cycling. You can complete it alone or with friends and family. You must log your miles for each day and complete 26.2 miles by the end of your chosen week. 


Bird watching and listening

Find a quiet place outdoors, it could be your garden, a park or an area of countryside. Stop in one place. Look around you and notice the birds you see. You could note down which types you see or what they are doing. Listen to the sounds they make.
Enjoy watching and listening to the birds.


20 Minute Workout

You will need:
Exercise clothing

Complete your workout at home by following these steps:
Warm up:
1minute jog on the spot
20 Jumping Jacks
10 upward punches (5 each arm)

Main activity:
10 squats
10 Forward punches (5 each arm)
1 minute fast run on the spot
Repeat main activity 3 times.

Cool Down:
Bend down towards our toes and 'hang' feeling the stretch in your calves.
Reach up to the sky.


Make a Nature Crown

To do this challenge you need to collect items from nature. They could be grasses, twigs, pine cones or daisies. You decide!
To make our crown you need to weave or join together the items you have collected so that they resemble a crown. You could twist long grasses and daisies or dandelions together. Can you attach anything else to your crown? Can you use grasses to tie the parts together?
If you want to, you could take a picture of your crown and send it to us via Facebook.


Nature Sensory Box

To create your outdoor sensory box you must first go for a walk in a park, the woods or the countryside.
On your walk you need to collect different items from nature, sticks, pine cones, acorns, grasses, stones, leave or anything else you can find. Have a look for different types of leaves, grasses or stones. Make sure the items you collect have different textures to them: smooth, rough, bumpy and so on.
Collect them altogether in a box. Keep your sensory box and when you have a free moment, or when you are feeling worried or sad take it out and pick up each item. Recognise the feel of it, what colour it is, what shape it is. Just spend some time using your eyes and hands to take some time out.


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