What can your school expect from us?
- We meet with you to discuss your pupils needs.
- We are skilled in supporting those with additional needs, anxiety, low self esteem and friendship difficulties.
- We teach skills to the pupils so that they can feel more in control of difficult situations.
- We support you in supporting your pupils in their mental health, ensuring that they are able to become confident in themselves, and at the same time, learn new skills.
- We are passionate about your young people, and will work with you in creating a group that supports the specific needs of your pupils.
- We offer remote support and resources.
- We ask for a donation of £200 per half term towards our costs. This means you get between 5 and 7 weeks, 1 hour a week, working with you pupils.
- We offer a year 6 to 7 transition programme which involves us working with year 6s in the summer term and following them up to their high school in the autumn term to support them in their transition.
How we achieve positive results
Singing | Signing | Mindfulness
Singing & Signing
There is research to show that music is good for our minds - listening to it and singing it. Singing as a group improves social bonds - helping to build friendships , it exercises the brain - learning new songs and melodies, and it exercises the body - improving breathing, posture and muscle tension. Singing is a release, the songs can express how we are feeling, and we can learn from the lyrics too.
We teach simple songs with Makaton or British Sign Language and use these signs to learn more about the lyrics but also develop a new skill which in turn builds confidence. We do this in our small group sessions, informally, which helps to relieve the anxiety of singing in a group.
We are big believers in the importance of looking after our minds. Learning the skills and understanding why we need to do this is important from a young age. Mindfulness is about stopping and being in the now and we want to teach the importance of taking time to stop focusing on our past and future worries, rest our mind and then come back in a calm way to think about those things that are bothering us.
We run a varied mindfulness programme in schools. These include sensory, art, music, breathing techniques and outdoor activities which help the pupils to stop and take some time out for themselves but also learn mindful skills that they can do themselves. We aim to empower the young people in being able to recognise when they need to use mindfulness but also be able to 'grab' the right technique for that moment. We have seen mindfulness work and that is why we are passionate about it.
Music is a key part of our work. Along with using it with our singing to support self esteem and breathing techniques, we also use it in our mindfulness sessions. We have our own pieces of music that we use specifically for mindfulness and relaxation techniques, such as the body scan.
Animal Assisted Therapy
Fireworks can provide animal assisted therapy. Sessions are based around the senses focusing on touch, smell, sight. We currently partner up with the Monty Project. To find out more, click on the link below. https://www.themontyproject.org/
We are also training up 2 new rabbits called Flopsy and Mopsy to become therapy rabbits. They are half Continental Giant and half French Lop. They are currently, at the time of writing, 12 weeks old.
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