Why Mindfulness?

We are big believers in the importance of looking after our minds. Learning the skills and understanding why we need to do this is important from a young age. Mindfulness is about stopping and being in the now and we want to teach the importance of taking time to stop focusing on our past and future worries, rest our mind and then come back in a calm way to think about those things that are bothering us. 

We do different types of mindfulness in the groups we run. We use sensory equipment, music, art, breathing techniques and the outdoors to engage our groups in mindful activities. Our sessions give the participants some time out from the daily routines and pressures they may feel. We they aim to empower them to take on some of the skills they have learned so that when they feel anxious, they have a 'library' of  methods they can turn to to support their own mental health. 

Mindfulness can really help with anxiety, and we have personal experience in dealing with anxiety in young people. We have seen mindfulness work and that is why we are passionate about it. 

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